Pacific Small Island States ramp up efforts for COP28

Less than two months ahead of the upcoming COP28 meeting in Dubai, leaders and officials from Pacific Small Islands States (PSIDS) are meeting in Samoa to consolidate their positions ahead of the annual, global climate

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Never forget, 1.5 to Stay Alive

Our rally call on our journey to COP28 It rests upon our shoulders to breathe life into our commitment to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We must not let the 1.5 rallying call be muted, as

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Pacific climate diplomacy moves beyond COPs

As negotiations stutter and stall with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Pacific Island governments and communities are ramping up diplomatic efforts to call for urgent action on fossil fuels.

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Summits on the road to Glasgow

As countries prepare for the next round of global climate negotiations in Glasgow, major powers are organising a series of summits and initiatives to ramp up ambition towards the targets set by the Paris Agreement on

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