The Pacific at the UN: climate and Japan wastewater

Now it’s time for U.S. talks The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretary General, Henry Puna, says Pacific leaders stood strong at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA77) in New York, raising issues

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COVID, climate, China, Compacts: Blinken’s Pacific agenda

A decade since the last visit of a U.S. Secretary of State to the Pacific Islands, the U.S. President’s chief foreign advisor, Antony Blinken visits Fiji briefly today  in an effort to re-engage with Pacific

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Paddling Reverend creates global ripples

By Anendra Singh Mother Earth speaks volumes when it comes to defining life, but the Reverend James Shri Bhagwan believes a more universal dialect does that better.In trying to put global existence on its axis from a

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Water woes

By Samantha Magick Earlier this month the world learnt of the plight of Banabans, who had been living without fresh water for a year according to residents. A social media post from an overseas-based Banaban gave a

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Pacific water woes

Earlier this month the world learnt of the plight of Banabans, who had been living without fresh water for a year according to residents. A social media post from an overseas-based Banaban gave a stark insight into the

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Rising bill of PNG’s El Nino disaster EL Nino battered Papua New Guinea is bracing for more serious onslaught with predictions for worse in months ahead and into next year. The El Nino extreme weather has peaked

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Study demonstrates value of sustainable forestry

Training, acceptance to boost profits Conventional logging delivers a body blow to forests by stripping 80 to 90 per cent of target tree species. This shock erodes biodiversity, damages ecological function and

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High hopes for Pacific but hard work still required

Light at the end of climate change tunnel Monday 19 November saw a Pacific High-Level Dialogue on climate change take place at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) headquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia. The

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Coastal flooding to threaten Vanuatu

Technology predicts catastrophe More than 3000 people displaced by coastal flooding and large sections of Vanuatu’s two main towns inundated is the catastrophic scenario predicted by the end of the century.

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Storm surges rendered Majuro residents homeless

US Government offers $100,000 High tide energised by storm surges flooded many parts of Majuro, the capital of the Marshall Islands, on 3 March — the latest in a series of inundation events that have hit this

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