Using ‘FOOD HAVENS’ to reduce obesity among Pacific and Māori peoples

 A new concept in food environments, the food haven, aims to reduce high obesity rates among Pacific and Māori peoples. Researchers at the AUT Child and Youth Health Research Centre are proposing a new term, the

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A Pacific language video series by the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is highlighting key facts around stroke, in an attempt to bust the myths around this neurological disease. Stroke is a disease of the brain

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Working together to increase the number of Pacific and Māori midwives

Under a new government initiative, New Zealand’s five midwifery education providers will work together to support the success of Māori and Pasifika students and increase the number of midwives in our Pacific and

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LOIMATA film wins Grand Prix at FIFO

Documentary LOIMATA, The Sweetest Tears, has just won the Grand Prix du Jury at Tahiti’s prestige FIFO, (Festival International du Film Documentaire Océanien). Produced and written by AUT Senior Lecturer

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Sacred concept of the vā underpins study

New Pacific research from AUT puts the sacred concept of the vā at the heart of its study.  For pan-Pacific peoples, the vā is generally acknowledged as the relational spaces that bind and unify all people and

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AUT Pacific researchers win HRC funding

Five Pacific researchers have received 2021  from the Health Research Council (HRC). The HRC’s annual career development awards foster and sustain New Zealand’s health research workforce. In 2020, more than $13

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