How are Pacific government-owned airlines performing?

Throwing good money after bad? An expert on State Owned Enterprises with the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Private Sector Development Initiative, Christopher Russell says the Samoan government’s experience with

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Switching on renewables

The ambitious renewable energy targets set by many Pacific Island nations may be running behind schedule, but there is  still a lot of activity and investment in the sector, pandemic

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ADB predicts modest growth for Pacific economies this year

The Asian Development Bank expects Pacific Island economies to return to positive growth this year, although at different rates, and with a great deal riding on successful vaccine roll-outs. Pacific economies contracted

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ADB further downgrades Pacific growth expectations

Economic growth expectations for the Pacific have been downgraded to decline by 6.1% for 2020. The Asian Development Bank had originally forecast a 4.3% decline in July of this year. “Vaccine procurement and

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ADB releases loans, grants for Pacific

The Asian Development Bank has announced a series of grants to Pacific nations. US$13.3million has been made available to 10 nations—Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau,

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Fiji faced with a potential US$608 million tourism loss

Fiji is looking at a potential loss of F$1.4 billion (US$608 million) in tourism earnings as global travel grinds to a halt by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This is according to a recent assessment by the ANZ Bank

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Potential wait of “months” for green light on Fiji US$200m ADB loan bid

Fiji’s loan request of US$200million (F$460m) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) “will be considered by ADB’s Board of Directors in the coming months,” according to a statement from the ADB this

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BY: PENI KOMAISAVAI The Asian Development Bank says economic prospects for the Pacific are good, with growth expected to increase to 3.5 per cent this year. The ABD predicts growth of 3.2 per cent in 2020,

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