French Polynesia’s Moetai Brotherson on New Caledonia, deep sea mining and regional ties

As French diplomats worked the corridors at last week’s 53rd Pacific Islands Forum in Nuku’alofa, President of French Polynesia Moetai Brotherson has criticised decisions taken by President Emmanuel Macron that have

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Kurt Campbell pledges support for Forum, as US mobilises across the north Pacific

“Across the board, if you look at the nature of our step up in every arena, it is unmistakable, it is fulsome, it is deliberate and it will continue.” `-Kurt Campbell As Pacific leaders gather in the Kingdom of

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Marshall Islands wants Forum support on nuclear legacies and human rights

For twelve years after the Second World War, the United States conducted 67 nuclear tests on Bikini and Enewetak atolls in the Marshall Islands. Today, the government and people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands

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Kiribati ‘feel sorry’ for barring diplomats but it ‘makes sense’, minister says

The head of the Kiribati government delegation at the Pacific leaders’ summit in Tonga has played down the “viral” news of the Micronesian nation closing its border to “diplomatic visits” until the end

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French Polynesia hits Paris approach to New Caledonia

French Polynesia says France failed to heed warnings of unrest in New Caledonia and Paris needs to soften its diplomacy in the crisis-hit Pacific territory. The future of New Caledonia is a hot topic at the Pacific

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Forum opens with songs of resilience, followed by earthquake

As delegates gathered in Nuku’alofa for the annual Pacific Islands Forum, the new Indoor Stadium at Tonga High School resonated with song from hundreds of school students, at Monday’s official opening. Soon after

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French Special Envoy urges Pacific preparation for UN Ocean conference

An international conference about ocean protection is incomplete without the voices of the Pacific region, says Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Ambassador in charge of Poles and Maritime issues, Special Envoy of the French

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Opinion: Pacific justice is a shared responsibility

By Kate Schuetze, Amnesty International, Acting Deputy Regional Director for Research This coming week will see a crucial moment for states and territories in the Pacific to express their views on challenges the region

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Pacific Islands SG visits tsunami-affected school

Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General, Baron Waqa, was welcomed with songs and cheers this week when he visited a Tongan primary school that was devastated by the December 2021 volcanic eruption and tsunami.

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Transformative Resilient Pasifiki: Exploring the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting theme

The theme for the 53rd Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting is Transformative Resilient Pasifiki: Build Better Now. And this week that theme prompted Tongan journalists who were undergoing training in preparation for

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Pacific Civil Society Forum to launch during 53rd Leaders Meeting

The Pacific Civil Society Forum will host a Pacific People’s Forum alongside the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Tonga from 26 – 30 August, with its theme “Pikipiki Hama Kae Vaevae Manava.”.

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The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting: Why does it matter?

The 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting (PIFLM53) kicks off next week in Nukualofa, and it has some Tongans asking what is its purpose, and what are the benefits of this annual event? Director for Governance and

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