Fiji Budget: ‘It’s a tough but fair budget’ says Finance Minister

Presenting government’s Fiji Budget 2023-2024 to parliament this morning, Finance Minister Biman Prasad said the fiscal deficit of $639 million dollars was “higher than I personally wanted.” Prasad said

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Pacific leaders’ role critical for a more resilient tourism sector

Pacific tourism leaders have a critical role to play for a more resilient future Pacific tourism sector. Tourism in the Pacific is about relationship building, economic development, growth, and connectivity.  These

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Fiji tuna symposium considers industry’s future

Ten years ago, Suva port was one of the region’s most preferred ports for foreign vessels fishing in the western and central Pacific ocean, says the president of the Fiji Fishing Industry Association (FFIA). Speaking

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ADB: 6.3% economic growth projected for Fiji

Growth in the South Pacific economy of Fiji is projected to reach 6.3% in 2023 and moderate to 3% in 2024, according to a new economic report released today by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Asian Development

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Solomon Airlines assists cyclone recovery, Fiji Airways’ advanced aircraft

Solomon Airlines Chief Executive Officer Gus Kraus has confirmed the national carrier has sent a De Havilland Twin Otter aircraft and operating crew, to assist Vanuatu’s recovery efforts following the devastation

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Investing for tourism growth

The rebound in Fiji tourism has again exposed a vulnerability that an upcoming tourism investment summit seeks to address; the shortage of rooms to meet projected arrivals. Citing Fiji Airways’ forecasts and new route

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USP Vice Chancellor Professor Ahluwalia back in Fiji

University of the South Pacific’s (USP) Vice Chancellor and President Professor Pal Ahluwalia is back in Fiji. Professor Ahluwalia was welcomed at the Nadi Airport this morning by students and staff from USP. He

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Fiji’s economic growth steady

Fiji’s economic recovery continues despite projections from the International Monetary Fund that 2023 will be a tough year. Governor and Chairman of the Reserve Bank of Fiji Board, Ariff Ali, stated that the growth is

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Jobs, debt, inflation, representation: Issues concerning Fiji youth

Islands Business’ Sera Tikotikovatu-Sefeti asked young voters about the upcoming Fiji elections, and the issues of concern to them. This is what some of them had to say: Akansha, 21, from Nakasi, Suva is voting for

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EV Chargers may spawn e-revolution on Fiji roads

The company behind Fiji's first electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is optimistic that its transformative clean energy project will also spill over to Fiji's maritime transportation, with plans to produce

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Look north to PNG, Fiji urged

The Papua New Guinea economy is expected to “double in size in the next 10 years” says ANZ Pacific Economist, Dr Kishti Sen. And that is a huge opportunity for Fiji and other Pacific Island economies. While Dr Sen

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Fiji 2022 Elections: crucial for the Pacific

Fiji soon goes to the polls for the 2022 General Elections. There are two major candidates vying for Prime Ministership, both former coup leaders. Sitiveni Rabuka (Peoples’ Alliance Party) who did the country’s

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