A new government in the making in Tuvalu

Newly appointed Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Feleti Teo

Reports coming from Funafuti seem to suggest that a new government is in the making – comprising Opposition members from the previous Parliament and the newly elected members.

PACNEWS has been reliably informed that former executive director of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), Feleti Teo is emerging as a possible contender for the Prime Minister’s position.

There are six Members of Parliament, elected for the first time, which includes Teo, a former Governor General, a former diplomat and a climate advocate – who are also potential contenders to lead the new government.

Both the newly elected members and the former government have secured six seats each – while the Opposition led by former Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga, has won four seats.

A well-placed source in Funafuti told PACNEWS ‘the people can feel the winds of change across the islands.’

“Both the former government and opposition MPs will try to woo the new MPs to their side. Definitely the former opposition members will not work with the former government, the PACNEWS source said.

Most of the elected MPs are still in the islands – making their way to the capital, where the formation of the government will be finalised in the coming week. The Governor General will convene Parliament, as soon as practicable after the election – issuing a notice to elected MPs the date, time and place of the sitting of Parliament to elect the new Prime Minister.