Solomon Islands declares public holiday on Election day, liqour ban

Aerial view of Honiara, Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands Government had declared Wednesday 17 April 2024 as a public holiday for the conduct of national, provincial and Honiara City Council elections.

The caretaker Minister of Home Affairs, Christopher Laore made the declaration published in an extra ordinary gazette on Monday 08 April.

“Under section 2 of the Public Holidays Act (Cap. 151), the public is informed that the polling day for the general election, the Provincial Assemblies election and the Honiara City Council election on 17 April 2024 is a public holiday,” the gazette stated.

In addition, the government has ordered a liquor ban during the election period. The ban was formalised in a gazette published also on Monday this week.

The ban known as the “Liquor ban Order 2024” under the Liquor Act (Cap.144) takes effect from 16 – 26 April. During this period, all licensed premises and all bars including night clubs and bottle shops in Solomon Islands to be closed; and no liquor is to be sold on such premises, bars including night clubs and bottle shops, except licensed premises or bars licensed to sell liquor that are located within a hotel or restaurant may sell liquor to a bona fide guest.