Rotuma split between NFP, FFP

By Lice Movono

ROTUMA is split down the middle in their choice of government but unlike most other provinces, its between the National Federation Party and the Fiji First Party.

NFP candidate Pasepa Rosarine Lagi who is from Rotuma and FFP leader Voreqe Bainimarama fought neck to neck across the four districts of the island. Lagi, a relative newcomer who had contested the 2014 elections on a Fiji Labour Party ticket, polled majority votes in Itumuta and Oinafa.

Motusa and Juju, both Fiji First Party strongholds gave most of their votes to PM Bainimarama.

Ms Lagi had been instrumental in voicing dissent on proposed new legislation Rotuma bill aimed at the regulation and administration of Rotuman land.


Itumuta: Lagi: 64.29% | Bainimarama: 17.86%
Juju: Bainimarama: 52.53% | Lagi: 33.33%
Motusa: Bainimarama: 50% | Lagi: 31.69%
Oinafa: Bainimarama: 32.10% | Lagi: 46.91%