PNG MP lauds Australia commitment

Minister for International Trade and Investment, Richard Maru has welcomed the Australian Government’s commitment to work with Papua New Guinea on the development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs).

Maru in his meeting on Monday with the Australian High Commissioner to PNG, Jon Philp said he wanted to work with the Australian Government and investors in the Manus Special Economic Region and the Western Province SEZ.

Maru also said he wanted Australian investors to look into the development of feed industry, cotton industry, cattle industry and the chicken industry of PNG.

“We need to have more competition across all industries and new industries to replace imports, create jobs and create wealth for our citizens,” he said.

“I am committed to assist Australian investors to take care of issues like the land issues if they are keen to invest in these industries that are of great importance to PNG,” the Minister said.

Maru also requested the Australian Government to help fund the development of hybrid electricity systems, especially solar farms, mainly at areas that were using expensive diesel generators, especially in provinces like Manus, New Ireland and East and West Sepik provinces.

“We cannot attract investors and grow and develop our economy without cheap and reliable energy,” he said.

“Apart from law and order, cheap and reliable energy is key to economic growth.”

Maru also said that carbon credit was one of the areas that Australia could help PNG with.

This can be our next biggest industry with the world heading towards total decarbonisation by 2050,” Maru said.