Suspended PNG Immigration Minister dismissed from office

(L-R) PNG Immigration Minister Bryan Kramer, Prime Minister James Marape and Police Commissioner David Manning

Suspended Member for Madang and Papua New Guinea Immigration Minister, Bryan Kramer has been dismissed from office Monday by the Leadership Tribunal inquiring in to charges of misconduct in office against him.

He has also been slapped with a K10,000 (US$2,841) fine.

He was dismissed for two charges of scandalising the Judiciary and fined on five charges of DSIP funds application.

“Based on the Tribunal’s finding on guilt on seven counts handed down on 21 February 2023, today’s (Monday) ruling for dismissal was expected,” said Kramer in a statement.

“The decision recommending dismissal from office will be delivered to the Speaker who will then recommend to the Governor General (GG) to adopt the Tribunal’s recommendation to dismiss me from office. The decision of the GG will be gazetted and takes effect. At that point I will no longer be a Member of Parliament.

“Of course, it is certainly not the end of the issue as I have already been working on an appeal to challenge the both rulings on verdict and penalty in the National Court, a process that may take three to six months if not longer. If unsuccessful in the National Court, there is the option of appealing to the Supreme Court.

“There are many cases where decisions of a Tribunal have been reviewed and overturned in the higher courts. 

“Today’s (Monday) decision in no way diminishes my resolve in the fight against corruption nor will it keep me from informing the public on issues of national importance or exposing high-level corruption.  “In my view it’s the calm before the storm,” said Kramer in a statement.