PNG Govt announces inquiry into elections


The Papua New Guinea government has announced an in-house inquiry into the conduct of the 2022 National General Elections.

This will be spearheaded by the PNG Special Parliamentary Committee on the 2022 General Elections who will look into the specific conduct of the 2022 General Elections.

Chairman Allan Bird in an open statement released said that this inquiry would scrutinise and analyse all aspects of the election process, its conduct, security, the powers and functions among others.

A notice released detailed that the committee was now appealing to the people of PNG for written submissions also singling out that there will be public hearings and regional consultations.

Bird said that when conducting the inquiry the Committee will inquire into:

– The powers, functions and responsibilities of the Electoral Commission and related matters;

– The process involved in the conduct of the general election, with focus on the updating of the electoral roll, campaigning, voting, the counting, declarations, disputed returns, process and related matters;

– The expenditure of electoral funds, and related matters; and

– The security provided by the Royal PNG Constabulary, the PNG Defence Force and the PNG Correctional Institution Services and related matters.

There will be public hearings scheduled for Tuesday 21 to Thursday 23 February 2023.

The public hearings will be streamed live through the NBCTV and TVWan.

Key Government departments responsible for conduct and operations of the General Elections will also appear before the Committee.

The Committee will be conducting regional consultations in all four regions in the country. The Committee will consult with provincial and districts election officers, church representatives, the community, women and youths on the general conduct of the general elections.