PNG Governor General invites Pangu Pati to form government

(August 2, 2022) Coalition Partners taking group photo at Pangu Pati Camp in Loloata. PHOTO: Pangu Pati for 2022/Facebook

Papua New Guinea Governor General Sir Bob Dadae has invited the ruling Pangu Pati to form Government in the 11th Parliament.

Pangu Pati won the highest number of seats in the 2022 National Election with 36 declared so far.

Sir Bob presented the Section 63 Letter to Pangu Pati General-Secretary Morris Tovebae at Government House in Port Moresby.

The event was witnessed by Leader of PANGU Pati James Marape, his Deputy John Rosso and other members of the coalition.

In his speech, Marape said every political party that took part in this election contested for this 63 letter and its was a fair playing field.

The Pangu-led coalition at Loloata Island Resort has over 82 members with more expected to be declared.

Marape said: “All leaders of coalition parties who are here with me have signed the MOA for a new coalition. With the inclusion of New Generation Party, this brings our coalition to 17 parties. United Resources Party stands as the second biggest with 11 Members.

“We are also embracing some parties that are now coming into the fold as well as more Independent candidates. We are an inclusive government, presently, cultivating what we will do together for our people.

“At the moment, in the physical headcount, we have 82 MPs in our retreat and at present indications from the count that is still going on, our coalition candidates are now leading in 13 of the 14 seats where counting is still going on. 

“We are ready to form government; the number is here and there being no split in Pangu or our coalition partners. We are set for the election of Speaker and Prime Minister after all our Members of Parliament are sworn in.”