“Palauans First” Campaign reboots: President Whipps seeks second term

Surangel Whipps Jr. (Photo: Office of the President, Palau)

In a rally echoing his “Palauans First” campaign slogan, President Surangel Whipps Jr officially launched his re-election bid on 11 February, becoming the first candidate to declare for the November 2024 general election. 

Whipps addressed a crowd in Koksai, touting his administration’s achievements like the successful renegotiation of the Compact with the United States and the implementation of the Comprehensive Tax Reform (PGST).  

He acknowledged public criticism of the PGST but defended it as crucial for generating revenue to fund social programs like the Children’s subsidy and tax refunds. 

Recounting his family’s journey from the U.S to Palau, Whipps showcased his personal connection to the nation and his father’s dedication to building a life there.  

He reiterated his commitment to improving the lives of all Palauans and raising their standard of living. 

While not outlining specific future plans, Whipps emphasised fulfilling existing responsibilities and ensuring a smooth transition into 2024.  

This comes amidst speculation about former President Tommy Remengesau Jr potentially entering the race, with an expected announcement later this month.