Over 360 people in Fiji evacuation centres

In Fiji, 361 evacuees are now taking shelter at evacuation centers around the country as Tropical Cyclone Sarai continues to move through the group.

15 evacuation centres country-wide have now been activated and a storm warning is now in force for Vatulele and Kadavu Island.

At 7am this morning Fiji time, the Category 2 cyclone was about 180km south-southwest of Nadi or about 150km west of Kadavu. TC Sarai is moving southeastward at approximately 14 km/hr.

On this projected track, it is expect pass very close to Kadavu later today then moving onto the Lau group tomorrow.

People living in Kadavu, Vatulele and Matuku have been warned to expect destructive storm force winds with average speeds of 100km/hr with momentary gusts of 140km/hr.  Heavy rain and squally thunderstorms, plud sea flooding should be expected during high tide.

National Disaster Management Office Director, Vasiti Soko says the District Officers and first responders are assisting people living in low lying areas to evacuate to high grounds.

In the western part of Viti Levu, people are advised to expect northwesterly winds with average speeds of 80km/hr with momentary gusts of 100km/hr. Winds and rain is expected to gradually ease from later today as TC Sarai moves further away from the Western Division. A flash flood warning remain in force for low lying areas, small streams and areas adjacent to major rivers in the Western Division and Northern Division.

For the Eastern Part of Viti Levu and Lomaiviti group, expect strong northeasterly winds this morning, which will shift to a southwesterly direction later today as TC Sarai moves closer to Kadavu. Rain will increase and a flash flood warning remains in force for low lying areas, small streams and areas adjacent to major rivers in the Central Division.

Meanwhile Fiji’s health ministry has temporarily suspended the national measles campaign due to the adverse weather effects of TC Sarai. Members of the public will be informed when the campaign will recommence.

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