Observers Group urges Fijians to vote tomorrow

Fiji election observers in the field (Photo: MOG)

The Multinational Observer Group (MOG) says it has not observed any irregularities in the electoral steps or significant issues that would prevent registered voters from casting their ballot tomorrow.

In a pre-election day statement, the MOG Co-Chairs, Australian parliamentarian Rebekha Sharkie, India’s Senior Deputy Election Commissioner Dharmendra Sharma, and Ambassador Muhsin Syihab of Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs observed that the Fiji Elections Office is well-prepared to deliver a successful general election.

They say the MOG has met political parties, civil society, religious groups and government institutions, and has visited remote parts of Fiji as part of its mandate.

It notes that the FEO has continued to improve processes since the last election and has implemented 2018 MOG recommendations including increased direct engagement with communities on voting procedures, and partnerships to increase voter awareness and information amongst younger voters.

“The MOG notes the FEO has also made use of technological aids, such as barcode scanning, to ensure greater security and efficiency in the packing and storing of ballot papers, as well as the ability for voters to text a hotline to confirm their polling station,” it states.

The MOG’s 90 observers will spread over Fiji’s four districts tomorrow to observe voting. It will also observe the counting and tallying of ballots.

It urges all registered voters to come out to vote tomorrow.