New results updated

By Lice Movono

AFTER a lapse of at least 6 hours, new poll results have been updated on the Fiji Elections Office App.

The results show SODELPA in the lead with 44501 votes, Fiji First 37649, NFP 5897, Unity Fiji 1494, HOPE 552 and FLP 452.

The figures come from 189 new stations in 34 polling venues which cover the Deuba-Serua area, some Nasinu locations and as well as parts of Bau Tikina in Tailevu. The venues covered are:

Nadaro Community Hall
Centre for Appropriate Technology
Dravo Community Hall
Dravo District School
Korociriciri Primary School
Naila Community Hall
Naitasiri Primary School
Nakini Village School
Vatoa Community Hall, 
Waicoka Community Hall
Waikete Community Hall
Arts VIllage Cultural Centre
Culanuku Village Community Hall
Deuba District School
Discover Fiji Tours Tourist Centre
Jokhan Memorial Memorial Primary School
Lomary Catholic Primary School
Naitonitoni Agriculture Station
Nakavu Village School
Namelimeli Village Community Hall
Rampur Primary School
Talenaua Community Hall
Vashist Muni Memorial Primary School
Veivatuloa Village School
Wainivedio Ground FEO Shed
Ahmadiyya Muslim College
Ahmadiyya Muslim Primary School
Assembly of God Primary School
Bainivalu Primary School
Ballantine Memorial School
Bhawani Dayal Primary School
Bishop Kempthorne Memorial School
Reverend Cargill Ground FEO Shed
Madhavan Hall