Fiji resilience: Shree Ram the Volunteer Cook

Volunteers like Shree Ram are ensuring 2,000 school children in Nadi are eating well in schools.

He is one of about 20 men and women who are volunteering their time to provide vegetarian meals for children who attend the Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam-managed schools in Nadi.

Sangam Fiji provides free lunches to students at all 27 of its primary and secondary schools around Fiji.

In Nadi, lunch is provided on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
TISI Sangam provide ingredients, while some foods including vegetables, are donated by Sangam members.

When Islands Business visited, Shree and two colleagues were cooking up rice, dhal soup and eggplant and potato curry, ready for two shifts of students, primary students at 11am and senior students at midday.

A number of community and faith groups around the country are providing assistance of various kinds in Fiji schools, particularly to families where adults have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.