Cikamatana continues to shine for the green and gold

Commonwealth gold medalist in weightlifting, Eileen Cikamatana.

Champion weightlifter Eileen Cikamatana is set to headline Australia’s weightlifting team for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. The Australia weightlifting team was announced yesterday to coincide with the “100 days to go” milestone.

At 22, Eileen is considered to be the youngest lifter in the team, but historical records shows us that she is more than capable of achieving weightlifting greatness at a very young age.

Ever since her move from Fiji, she has won gold medals for her new country in junior world cup events in 2019 and 2020.

Eileen claimed gold for Fiji in the 90 kilograms class back at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, and is among an 11-strong Australian team hoping to succeed in Birmingham.

Exhilarated and overwhelmed, Cikamatana expressed a few words about her selection, saying: “To get that opportunity to represent another country, especially Australia, where you get respected for what you do, it is a dream come true.”

The Commonwealth Games runs from 28 July – 8 August, 2022.

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