Chinese seaman missing in Fiji waters

by Anish Chand

A Chinese national is presumed dead after he reportedly fell over-board a fishing vessel in Fiji waters three weeks ago.

And Fijian authorities have been made aware of the incident which is believed to have happened in the last week of March.

51-year-old Goa Ming Zhao was a crew member of the fishing vessel Zhong Rong 15.

He is believed to have fell overboard in the Kadavu passage.

Fiji Police received a report but its not clear if a search and rescue operation was mounted.

Based on eye-witness account of other crew members, its understood Goa Ming Zhao accidently fell overboard due to rough seas.

The Zhong Rong 15 is a Chinese long-liner fishing vessel and is owned by Rongcheng Ocean Fishery Limited.

Its registered port is Shidao.

The vessel is still berthed at Suva with inquiries on-going.

The Chinese Embassy in Suva is also aware of the incident.