Cairns offer support for PNG NRL bid

Bob Manning

Cairns Regional Council Mayor Bob Manning believes far north Queensland can greatly assist Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) bid to become the NRL’s 18th side.

Mayor Bob Manning, who has touted the prospect of a joint Cairns-PNG side for several years, said a combined effort would offer “tremendous benefits for both countries”.

Manning also envisioned tourism links, partnerships with universities and Cairns and Port Moresby “becoming like sister cities linked together” – indicating a joint venture between the parties would largely benefit them in the long-run.

Meanwhile, in last week’s bid-announcement, PNGRFL Chairman Sandis Tsaka highlighted that an NRL side would improve ties between countries saying , ““There are many avenues we’re looking at selling this, and I think it can strengthen diplomatic relationships, not just [at a government level], but people to people.”

The PNG government is yet to comment on the matter.