Billboard probe begins

By Samisoni Pareti

Police have begun an investigation into the incident overnight in which a billboard of the ruling Fiji First Party was vandalised.

IB has established that police investigators called on several people, youths mainly at their homes or places of work in Suva today.

They were pointedly asked whether they had anything to do with the vandalised billboard which shows a large portrait of Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama with a message to vote for his FFP.

Close inspection shows that a person or persons threw what appears to be clods of mud at the image of the PM.

Police investigators did not collect any statements from those questioned.

One of the things the youths have in common was their involvement in a very successful public campaign in 2015 for the retention of the current flag.

They were apparently identified by police from photos of the flag campaign that are widely available on social media.