Silent genocide unfolds in Papua
Policy seeks to change population figures forever IN a neglected region of the Pacific, the world’s latest genocide takes place with an indigenous people being killed and replaced every day of the year.Earlier
Silent genocide unfolds in Papua
Policy seeks to change population figures forever IN a neglected region of the Pacific, the world’s latest genocide takes place with an indigenous people being killed and replaced every day of the year.Earlier
Indonesia Puts Pressure On Vanuatu
Leaders choose regional solidarity over bully INDONESIA attempted to derail unification talks between West Papuan dissident groups by forcing hosts Vanuatu into a diplomatic impasse.But instead of bowing to pressure,
Tears flow freely for lost freedom
AS the strains of the banned anthem Oh, My Land Papua faded away and tears streamed down the cheeks of the members of the Papuan delegation at the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly, the audience was left