Opinion: PNG’s gold bill implications for the central bank

PNG’s proposed National Gold Corporation Bill 2023 has attracted lots of debate, objections, and protests. Just last week, the government agreed to amend the immensely long bill (currently over 500 pages!) and consult

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Opinion: Why is New Caledonia on fire? According to local women, the deadly riots are about more than voting rights

New Caledonia’s capital city, Noumea, has endured widespread violent rioting over the past 48 hours. This crisis intensified rapidly, taking local authorities by surprise. Peaceful protests had been occurring across

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Opinion: 2024 Australian aid spending and effectiveness update

Australian Foreign aid was increased by 4% over what had been projected last year to bring the 2024-25 aid budget to $4.961 billion, virtually unchanged from the (inflation-adjusted) 2023-24 level of $4.900 billion. The

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Opinion: The big dry: Marshallese scramble for water sources

For over 50 days from the end of February to the second week of April, El Niño took its toll on Majuro, the capital of the Marshall Islands.  During that period, only trace rainfall was recorded. A large number of the

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Opinion: Call on ADB to secure correspondent banking partners for Pacific countries

Pacific countries have sought the help of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to secure correspondent banking partners to increase investment and raise opportunities for local businesses.  The 14 Pacific Developing Member

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Opinion: Australia’s superannuation rules leave Pacific workers out of pocket

The government must reconsider its tax on the Pacific’s poorest. More than 40,000 Pacific Islanders working in Australia are being unfairly taxed on superannuation contributions – enforced savings payments that they

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Opinion: Statement on World Media Freedom Day 2024 by the President of PINA, Kora Nou

As we gather to observe World Media Freedom Day on 03 May, with the global theme of “Journalism & Environmental Crisis,” it is crucial that we recognise the interconnected nature of environmental and journalism

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Opinion: Fixing the plastics problem when delivering urgent aid

Coping with climate change is hard enough. Sustainability cannot be overlooked in humanitarian action across the Pacific.  In March last year, twin cyclones – Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin – ravaged Vanuatu.

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Opinion: Pacific elder excoriates Australia on AUKUS panel with Bob Carr 

Former foreign minister Bob Carr recently described AUKUS as “fragrant, methane-wrapped bullshit”. This remark — tailor-made for the headlines — was covered by media outlets on both sides of the Tasman Sea.  

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Opinion: The Climate Crises & High Debt-Levels in the Pacific: Who will pay?

As Fiji and neighbouring Pacific Island Countries face the daunting prospect of dealing with unprecedented national debt levels and the effects of climate change, the issue of how climate action will be financed becomes

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Opinion: The falling demand of seasonal workers

Evidence over nine months to the end of February 2024 shows a declining demand for Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme seasonal workers — those who used to be under the Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP),

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Opinion: It’s important to acknowledge PNG’s own interests with China

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi is expected in Papua New Guinea this weekend to sign an agreement clearing the way for PNG’s agricultural exports to enter the Chinese market. This step has already caught

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