A story of woe

  THE story of the people of Vunidogoloa in Cakaudrove, Northern Fiji, cannot remain untold. Until now, many individuals, organisations and governments have put themselves forward as the saviours of this community,

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Who pays for climate change

DUST collects on the floor of the village shop. The door is locked, the windows shut tight and a collection of guttering, plastic pipes, nuts bolts, screws and nails are piled on the counter and the shelves. Outside the

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Report cards SO, two regional NGOs recently failed the test of an independent assessor appointed by international donors. One NGO claims to be the umbrella of all Pacific civil society organisations and claims as much

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Taking NZ in 80 days

Labour stuns electorate IT took Jacinta Ardern just 80 days from taking over as leader of a political party to becoming New Zealand’s youngest prime minister. When she replaced Andrew Little as leader of the Labour

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Tonga 86 in hot race for seats Favourites: Mr Pohiva still has some

TONGA goes to the poll on November 16 to elect their 17 People’s Representatives in the Legislative Assembly. That is 12 months earlier than planned, after His Majesty King Tupou VI dissolved parliament in September

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Making news in death

Obituary ROSALYN ALBANIEL EVARA 1976 – 2017 IN death, Papua New Guinea journalist, Rosalyn Evara, has shone the spotlight on an issue which often escapes notice in regional news coverage – violence against

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Death in Moresby

Call to probe spousal abuse PACIFIC journalists have called for an investigation into the death of Rosalyn Albaniel Evara – Business Editor of the influential Papua New Guinea newspaper, the Post Courier. Evara died

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3-year journey begins

Discriminatory laws affect women in business THE Pacific journey for the next three years to maximise benefits and achieve positive impact on the lives of women and girls in the region begins now following a successful

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A vendor’s struggle

WHEN Janet Ramo of Malaita in Solomon Islands started her business 32 years ago, she had one thing in mind – money. With $5 in her pocket, a sewing machine and two pieces of garments given to her by her husband,

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It’s time for action, time to deliver

THE adoption of the Revised Pacific Platform for Action for Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights during the deliberations of the 13th Pacific Triennial Conference on Women and the 6th Meeting of Women’s

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Bread of life

QUIET coziness, regulars sit in velvety chairs, with old music plays over the speakers and modern storefront display of Bread Factory Café entices customers to stop in to enjoy the warm smell of freshly brewed espresso

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Renewed commitment

PACIFIC Leaders presented a united stance on the pressing need for accelerated and ambitious global action on climate change as they joined world leaders recently for the 72nd Session of the United Nations General

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