Elusive Olympic gold within reach

THERE’s an air of excitement and anticipation as Brazil gets set to host the 31st Olympic Games from 5-21 August. Never before has an Olympic gold medal been so close a reality for the tiny island nations of the

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Stuck in the slum

Corruption investigation into NGO activities WHEN Fijian Prime Minister, RearAdmiral Frank Bainimarama, handed out keys to the residents of Lagilagi Housing Estate in November 2013, he was giving homes to the

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WEST PAPUA Activists fight on

ONE year from now the People of Papua will mark the 50th anniversary of their independence from the Dutch and the raising for the first time of the Morning Star flag. Today, the raising of that flag is considered a

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A bull in the China shop

Spain and China: Rising threats to regional tuna stocks THE harbour in Suva’s capital is dotted with boats – long line fishing vessels flying the Chinese flag – tied up for months, waiting for the

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What the Pacific means to China

TUNA is not China’s only interest in the region. With mining and timber resources in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Fiji, the Asian Dragon has its sights firmly set on the Pacific. There is also the

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Activist: Don’t let them in

WITH Pacific eyes watching every move made by China in its slow, systemic advance into the region and its tightening grip on fisheries stocks, the latest threat has been largely overlooked. Coming out of the Indian

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Renewed momentum at tuna talks

AS the world heads into the end of year festive season, Pacific families across the region will be sending travellers off to two key negotiation events of global significance: the COP 21 climate change talks in Paris

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A time for regional solidarity

IF ever there was a time for Pacific countries to work together for the common good, it is now, with their very survival at risk. Two critical global events this month have highlighted the absolute need for the region

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PNA expands control of tuna industry

WHILE New Zealand promotes a new plan for tuna management in the region, the Forum Fisheries Agency pushes a fisheries road map, the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) waffles on action to control

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FAST taking shape in what was once a thriving pine plantation not far from Fiji’s international airport is what the signboard declares as a giant biomass plant. What the signboard says is basically what all most

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Corrupted trade routes in the Pacific

Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomons and Samoa top global trade estimates for illicit financial flows THREE of the world’s top ten most corrupted trade routes involve Pacific Islands countries. In the Pacific,

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El Nino It’sNot Over

FROM the highlands of Papua New Guinea in the western Pacific to the salad bowl on the southern coast of Fiji’s main island in the central Pacific, the long spell of dry weather is taking its toll. Cash crops and

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