We need to do more in disaster risk: Tuvalu PM

A national building code is required for Tuvalu to be better prepared for disasters, says the island’s Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga. Such a code would lead to the construction of stronger buildings on Tuvalu,

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Private sector plays key role in disaster risk reductions

Fiji Water, Digicel, ANZ take the lead Businesses are among those hardest hit when storms, floods, tsunamis, cyclones and other hazards occur. Every year, cyclones hit the Pacific Islands and because of climate change

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Study demonstrates value of sustainable forestry

Training, acceptance to boost profits Conventional logging delivers a body blow to forests by stripping 80 to 90 per cent of target tree species. This shock erodes biodiversity, damages ecological function and

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Salaries to influence vote

Among the many women candidates who registered for Tonga’s elections is trades unionist Mele Sivi ‘Amanaki (pictured). A former Civil Servant, she is the Secretary General of the Public Service Association

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Airline owner focuses on family values and youth

Businessman Tevita Palu of Fasi-moeAfi is no stranger to controversies with government. The civil engineer is also the CEO of Real Tonga, the Kingdom’s only domestic airline. Two years ago aid towards the Tonga

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PNG police chief rounds up rogue officers

THE protracted arrest of Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter

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Down but not out

Pacific unions respond to new IRB player rules The all-Pacific final between Fiji and Samoa in the opening leg of the 2014-2015 IRB World Sevens Series on Australia’s Gold Coast was a mighty statement to the

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Pacific seals historial tuna fishing access deal

Kiribati accused of jeopardising US treaty The ink had hardly dried when controvesy erupted on the historic tuna fishing agreement sealed in Hawaii last month by 17 Pacific Island nations and the United States. Just

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Controlled fertility rates linked to economic growth patterns

I f there is any resource in which Pacific Island Countries can be certain of achieving sustainability and continuous socio-economic gain, it is its youth cohort. The key however is significant and serious investment in

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Protocol aims to protect traditional knowledge from exploitation

History was made in Pyeongchang, Korea in October with the first Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol, a landmark agreement covering access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits

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Skydive Fiji acquires Sunflower Aviation

SkyDive Fiji has purchased Sunflower Aviation for an undisclosed amount after American Samoan airliner Inter Island Airways failed to complete the acquisition last year. The new owners are husband and wife duo, Susan

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Weaker dollar keeping Australians home

Currency fluctuations have heavily deterred Australians from taking overseas holidays over Christmas in the past but this time around travel tour companies do not anticipate a slowdown in visitors to the Pacific islands

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