Where are the women?

How much of the outcomes from Pacific women leaders' meetings were brought to the Forum Leaders table for discussion this

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Forum debates French colonialism, China and climate change

As Presidents, Prime Ministers and Premiers assembled in the Kingdom of Tonga for the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting (PIFLM), the region’s Blue Pacific agenda was overshadowed by geopolitical jousting and

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USP Council summoned as dissent creeps into student body

Dissent has broken out between the USP Students’ Association and students supporting sacked academic Dr Tamara

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Living costs take centre stage in Palau debate

Palau’s Presidential hopefuls debated this month before a live and online audience in Koror in a much more Pacific

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Dispatches from Tonga The ubiquity of mobile phones is a growing issue at the Pacific Islands Forum. At last month’s leaders’ meeting in Nuku’alofa, every ceremony and event was captured on phones, with selfies

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Kava: Protecting our lifeblood

Kava is of immense cultural significance to peoples across the region: yaqona in Fiji, malogu in Vanuatu, 'ava in Samoa, 'awa in Hawai’i and sakau in the Federated States of

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The “Palauan Dream”

Palau’s tourism industry may be slowly recovering, but there are concerns that its young people are not participating in the

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Building for tomorrow

Local architects are exploring sustainable building methods to create climate-resilient communities.

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Women driving change in Fiji’s construction industry

Women in Development and Trade Fiji’s initiatives are driving a significant shift in the traditionally male dominated Fijian construction

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Palau’s ancient builders

A project to understand and map Palau’s ‘green pyramids’, is bringing attention to a largely unknown period of early

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Pacific artists collective focuses on cultural recovery

Rako Pasefika, a collective of Pacific Island artists from the island of Rotuma, is emerging as a powerful force of cultural

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