Where is USP heading amid a gathering storm?

In February 2021, the University of the South Pacific (USP) was plunged into crisis when Vice Chancellor, Professor Pal Ahluwalia was unceremoniously thrown out of Fiji following a middle-of-the-night raid on his campus

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International blunder or domestic strategy?

Fiji's position on Israel could hint at paradigm shift South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has been described as involving two competing narratives: one, about a displaced

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Is the Pacific moving fast enough on Kava protection?

Pacific Island nations are considering implementing Geographical Indication (GI) protections for kava to safeguard its reputation and uniqueness. This move aims to capitalise on the growing global demand for kava and

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Pacific Islands eye medicinal cannabis cultivation

But social concerns remain Pacific governments are grappling with balancing the potential economic benefits of legalising medicinal cannabis cultivation with social concerns, as they eye the potentially lucrative new

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Nauru-Fiji-TuvaluWhen Nauru did the flip on Taiwan in February, it sent the temperature soaring in Canberra as all eyes turned towards the upcoming election in Tuvalu, to see whether a pro- or anti-Taiwan candidate

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“When are we going back?” – Nuclear Displacement in the Marshall Islands

Gina Langinbelik Anuntak is a student at the College of the Marshall Islands (CMI). She is President of the CMI Nuclear Club, a student association that unites Marshallese students to understand the legacies of the 20th

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Drua drive sports tourism upsurge in Fiji

Two years after the Fijian Drua and Moana Pasifika joined Australian and New Zealand teams in the Super Rugby Pacific, the Drua’s fortunes on the field are driving a noticeable impact on the Fijian economy, adding to

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Human Rights Defenders build regional protection strategy

Pacific human rights defenders are building a regional protection strategy in the face of challenges ranging from inadequate judicial systems to colonial-era laws and heavy-handed law enforcement. Office of the United

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Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas A special committee has been formed to look into the unpaid utility bills of the government of the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, which has now ballooned to a whopping

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Josh Tatofi’s Aloha for Hawaiian Mele

Hawaiian artist - Hoku Award winner and Grammy nominee, Josh Tatofi - picked up the Best International Pacific Artist award at New Zealand’s Pacific Music Awards in 2023, adding to his growing international profile

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Movers and Shakers

The Pacific Community (SPC) has appointed Elsie Fukofuka as its Regional Director, Polynesia, stationed at its regional office in Nuku’alofa, Tonga. Tuvalu’s new Prime Minister, Feleti Teo has named key ministerial

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