Pragmatist, Puppetmaster or Puppet?

“Tonight we take the first step in telling our story to the whole world.” That was Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s declaration when opening the region’s premier sporting competition, the

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Spirituality in action

The glitter of the family name, the association with one of Fiji’s biggest business houses, the label of international performing artist and the presence on some of the world’s largest entertainment stages. It all

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Westpac stays, so what’s next?

Westpac’s October announcement that it no longer planned to sell its remaining businesses in Papua New Guinea and Fiji, and its statement to the Australian Stock Exchange that it would increase investment in its

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Uni’s rough start The news on the newest regional university is not good. Launched at an ecumenical gathering in New Caledonia early this month, its application for funding has been rejected by two banks. The

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Amidst HIV surge, solidarity is key

Ten years ago, Christopher Lutukivuya was diagnosed as HIV-positive. “I actually didn't tell anyone about my status,” he recalls. “I went home, placed my medication on the shelves, and I asked my mother, ‘You

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American SamoaAmerican Samoa’s newest park is being developed on eight acres of government land in the village of Vaitogi. The Talanei reported that $839,340 has been spent on the project. It will include a 27-hole

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Opinion: The Fiji Military and the 2013 Constitution

The view that the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) plays an important and necessary role as the guardian of the 2013 Constitution and as a keeper of the peace within Fiji has recently been expressed by several

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“We are facing Goliath” – West Papuan church leaders call for solidarity

“We are facing Goliath, or even the Pharaoh,” says West Papua church leader Rode Wanimbo, “but we still have to speak out strong.” Wanimbo is coordinator of the Women’s Department of the Evangelical Christian

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Aboard the Run Da vessels

A warning for Pacific crew Sometime in 2018, a Fiji policewoman told us an incredible story about a young Fijian fellow who had been a deckhand crew member on the Run Da 5, a Chinese longline vessel licensed to fish in

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Movers and Shakers

The Pacific Community (SPC) has appointed a new Micronesia Director based in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. William Kostka has decades of environmental, community and development expertise across the North

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Fiji’s national living treasure: Dr Dick Watling

Dr Dick Watling believes that for conservation programmes to be successful, they must “place resource owners and their needs and aspirations at their centre and train people to implement them.” Dr Watling makes his

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