Hashing for fun, well-being and harmony

By Jason Jett “…You don’t know where you’re going, and where this adventure will lead you.” “There is no racism in hash,” said David Jamieson, owner of Yacht Help Fiji, while welcoming into the fold this

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Stan and the Earth Force talk Vanuatu music

By Rowena Singh Stan Antas, founder and lead singer of Vanuatu’s Stan & the Earth Force, says music has always been part of his life, and part of Vanuatu’s culture. “We're big on reggae here and our local

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Movers and Shakers

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has reshuffled his cabinet with the return of Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce and Industry Minister Sam Basil and Defence Minister Solan Mirisim to full office. Basil

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Islands Business January 2022 edition

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