
Fisheries dramas The head of a major fisheries agency has survived a move to stop her from sitting a second term. The move was driven by New Zealand, with the support of Cook Islands, who wanted the membership to accept

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Outlook 2022: The year in Pacific politics

By Sadhana Sen For the third year running, COVID-19 is defining and disrupting  life, leadership and governance in the Pacific. Compounded by climate change-related flooding and the devastating

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Tonga’s recovery effort

“The volcanic ash has settled into every crevice our lives and we still sleep in fear of another eruption. Yet through the ash, panic and chaos, I saw hope.” That was the testimony of Hon. Frederica Tuita, who

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Solomon Islands’ juggling act

By Georgina Kekea Solomon Islands was COVID-19 free until December 2021. Despite recording positive cases in isolation centres, the spread to the community was avoided. It was not until January 2022 that Prime Minister

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Low vax rates threaten PNG economy

By Kevin McQuillan COVID-19 will remain a threat to the Papua New Guinea economy throughout 2022, due to the low rate of vaccination and poor health infrastructure, compounded by a lacklustre foreign investment climate.

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Islands Business January 2022 edition

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