Jaro Local takes Pacific and the world by storm

Award-winning Solomon Islands singer/songwriter, Jaro Local, is a soaring star around the Pacific, making waves internationally with his unique blend of contemporary island, R&B, pop and reggae music.  Jaro is

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Opening the window

Vanuatu is leading the region in the use of an Electronic Single Window System to ensure trade documentation is organised in a more efficient and transparent way. The manager for the Electronic Single Window Project,

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New parametric insurance products launched

In early August, Salaseini Koroi, a schoolteacher turned cane farmer, sent two tonnes of harvested cane to Lautoka mill. It was the culmination of a year’s hard work in the fields of Lautoka, in Fiji’s western

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Photo exhibit challenges anti-Micronesian attitudes in Hawaii

A photography exhibit by veteran Pacific journalist Floyd K. Takeuchi opens in Honolulu on September 1 with the explicit purpose of challenging local negative stereotypes about the state’s small but highly visible

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Milk goats and soaps

From her garage-turned-lab, entrepreneur Beatrice Nast is creating Fiji’s first soap made from pure goat milk. The current president of the Society of Fiji Travel Associates, Nast has worn many hats during her tourism

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Movers and Shakers

NASFUND PNG’s longest serving CEO Ian Tarutia has announced his retirement in March 2023. For almost 35 years, Tarutia has served the fund and its predecessor, the National Provident Fund. Fiji-born Lisa Tai has

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