Costs tumble in renewable energy

AFTER years of dependence on fossil fuels, the good news from the international agency on renewable energy, IRENA is that the cost of technology on renewables are falling, and that by 2020, the average cost of power

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We’re referendum-ready

BOUGAINVILLEANS are to vote in June this year to decide whether to remain part of Papua New Guinea or to be independent. The national government has tasked the Bougainville Referendum Commission (BRC) to formulate and

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Catholic Church questions education ministry

FIJI’S Catholic Church will consider the closure of its schools and public protests if it cannot successfully resolve an impasse with the Ministry of Education over the appointment of school heads. But any form of

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Going Renewable

Pacific island states take the lead in energy transformation WITH the world going out in a large way towards adopting green and clean energy that is renewable, it makes no ecological or economic sense for any country in

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No more tokens please

Australia needs to treat the Pacific with a little more respect THE flying visit by Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, this month through Fiji and Vanuatu has been hailed as the beginning of a new era in

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China is the superpower to watch

FIVE countries and one region are going to the polls this year to get a fresh and new mandate from their electorate, and while this will no doubt provide interesting results, the trend to watch though in 2019 may be

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Falling short at COP24

TOO watered down and stripped of a clear sense of urgency is how some experts have labelled the outcomes of COP24 at the southern Polish city of Katowice last month. Representatives of countries that are members of the

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Canberra ramps up Pacific policy as election looms

BOTH government and opposition parties in Australia have outlined a renewed commitment to the Pacific, as voters prepare to go to the polls. In recent months, the Coalition government led by Prime Minister Scott

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A Forum in Limbo?

Eleven days after the Nauru PIF Leaders’ Meeting last September, the Premier of Niue, Sir Toke Talagi, said on Radio New Zealand that “the Pacific Islands Forum is stuck in limbo and making little progress.”

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