Islands Business
Islands Business: Research Reporter
🔍 OPPORTUNITY ALERT! 📑 Islands Business is looking for a reporter to undertake the research component of a media project covering a large part of the Pacific region. The person we are looking for should possess
MRMDDM Launches Three-Day Workshop to Elevate Service Excellence and Community Impact for 2024-2025
7 August 2024 Suva, Fiji – The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management (MRMDDM) embarked on a crucial three-day Planning workshop today for the 2024-2025 financial year period. Under the
PNG’s Fishing Industry Association: A global leader in responsible sourcing in the seafood industry
After successfully meeting the commitments it has made around tuna fisheries sustainability, traceability and sourcing, the Papua New Guinea Fishing Industry Association (FIA) has similar ambitions for its mud crab
Sustainability in the mix
In a massive leap for sustainable construction, researchers at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UTS have created concrete that can heal its own cracks. When cracks begin to emerge in non-conductive
Equity in Fisheries: Balancing Conservation & Livelihoods in the Pacific Islands
The Pledge of Allegiance ends with the phrase “with liberty and justice for all.” U.S. fishermen, who, as children, would recite this every morning before starting school, have come to question this phrase. Today,
Trade Mark Cautionary Notice for 27 Trade Marks in the Name of The Procter & Gamble Company Group of Companies in Micronesia & Palau