Sex scandal rocks church

Altar boy claims mirror film script

SURROUNDED by family, friends and supporters, Roy Taitague Quintanilla, 52, stood in front of the Archdiocese of Hagåtña Chancery and revealed a tormenting secret he had kept for 40 years. “I was scared, angry, sad, alone, embarrassed and humiliated.

I did not know what to do,” said Quintanilla, who accused Archbishop Anthony Apuron of molesting him when he was a 12-yearold altar server for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Agat Village. Quintanilla said it began with a trip to the movies with all the parish altar boys when Apuron was their priest. After all the altar boys had been dropped off at their homes, Quintanilla claimed he was left in the van alone with Apuron.

“I thought you were going to take me home like the others, but instead, you asked if I could sleep at your house,”

Quintanilla said, reading the letter addressed to Apuron and which he later hand-delivered to the chancery office. Quintanilla narrated details of the evening that scarred his childhood: Apuron allegedly took him into his bedroom, where the pastor grabbed his private parts.

What followed were sleepless nights and occasional thoughts of suicide. “I cried then, and I’ve never stopped crying,” Quintanilla said. Apuron immediately defended himself. “To be absolutely clear and to avoid any misinterpretations of my statement, I deny all allegations of sexual abuse by Roy Quintanilla,” Apuron said in a video released the night after Quintanilla made a public confession.

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