Vanuatu steps up

GOVERNMENT and Opposition have both been on winning streaks in Vanuatu this month. And they have been appropriately complimented by Head of State Baldwin Lonsdale. In his attempt to open the First Ordinary Sitting of Parliament in June, following the new legislature’s installation after January elections, President Lonsdale congratulated new Prime Minister Charlot Salwai on his successful relations with the people.

The new PM is from Central Pentecost where he retains the huge goodwill of his community and electorate even though a long-term resident of the capital. People from his home rural constituency remained faithful to their leader, a successful businessman in town. The President also saw Leader of the Opposition Altoi Ishmael Kalsakau as one capable of providing a role in the governance. The government would find him a capable guide, said Lonsdale, following Kalsakau’s long term as an Attorney General and knowledge of the workings of government.

The Opposition Leader is from the island of Ifira, in the harbour of the capital, and well known in Port Vila. The winning streaks? Reform has been on everyone’s minds since many of the previous Cabinet in Port Vila are in gaol following court cases concerning bribery. The new Council of Ministers had arranged a Special Sitting of Parliament prior to the First Ordinary Sitting for the second week of June.

The Government had arranged this sitting to make some 25 constitutional changes to stop perennial motions of no confidence, prevent MPs changing affiliations, regulate political parties and create stability.

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