Pacific tops women violence

Human rights watchdog waves the red flag

Quick fact – a staggering 60 per cent of women in the Pacific have experienced violence and abuse at the hands of their partner or other members of the family. According to various violence against women surveys, this puts the Pacific on the map as one of the worst incidences in the world. Violence against women is a gross violation of human rights itself, that affects a woman’s political, social and economic life as well.

The Fiji Women’s Crisis Center is one Fiji’s most respected and reputable women’s rights organization that has for more than 30 years worked tirelessly to defend human rights in Fiji, and the Pacific at large. As one of its on-going capacity and knowledge building programs, the FWCC recently launched a month long training program aimed at helping participants develop better understanding of gender and related violence, and further equip them with tools to respond to such issues appropriately at their workplaces.

Center’s Director, Shameema Ali explained that while much more work needed to be done around the pacific, the training was an overall success, and the fruits of this success was already showing. “The workshop is good, it’s always good – what we have noticed over the years is that it’s getting so much better, because there’s so much awareness now done around the pacific, that now when people come here, they are not coming from a place of ignorance, they are coming from a place of awareness. ?? «???????» – ???? ?? ??????? ????? ?????????? ????????? ??????????. ???????? ???? ???????? ? 2009 ????, ? ?? ??????????? ???? ?????? ? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ?? ???????. «???????» ?????????? ?????? ?? 1000 ?????? ?? ???????????. ?? ????? ??????? ???????, ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ????? ????????, ??????????? ?? ???????????? ???. winline ??????? ?????????? ?? ??????? ????????? ???????? ??????? ???????????????: ? ?? «???????» ?? ??? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????, ??? ?????? ???? ?? ??????????? ??????.

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