New brand for South Pacific tourism

COOK Islands Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism, the Honourable Henry Puna has officially launched a new brand and identity to promote South Pacific tourism globally after it was approved at the 26th Council of Tourism Ministers Meeting in Rarotonga. Organised by the South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO), the region’s peak tourism development and marketing body, the council meeting was attended by tourism ministers and government representatives from 13 Pacific island countries and China.

The new brand draws heavily on Pacific Islands’ cultural elements, in particular weaving. Individual letters in South Pacific Islands and SPTO have been taken apart, then strung back together like the strands in a woven mat. A simple corporate monogram for SPTO with a natural colour palette of beiges and browns drawn from traditional craft will be used for high-level communications.

On the other hand, all consumer facing communications will draw from a vibrant palette that’s inspired by the vivid colours found in Pacific arts and culture as well as the region’s lush natural environment. A new consumer-facing slogan “Ours is yours” accompanies the new brand. It evokes the welcoming nature of Pacific peoples and the Pacific spirit of sharing, in particular the unique cultures and pristine natural environments that our island countries share with visitors from around the world.

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