Act to ensure participation for prevention

THE annual UN Security Council Open Debate on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 hosted by Spain recalled the active mobilisation of women’s groups globally after the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing that resulted in the unanimous adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security (WPS) on October 31, 2000.
The 15th anniversary of 1325 comes at a time when there is growing recognition to the changing nature of conflict and for our Pacific region, as women have been communicating that we still need to address the root causes of our region’s political fragility and insecurity and the interconnections between natural disasters, humanitarian crises and conflicts.
Women, of course, have proven for more than 15 years that we are not simply vulnerable to these crises but have demonstrated leadership that must be
integrated into political processes.
It was no wonder that peace activists voiced dissent that changes to the date of the Open Debate on very short notice made organising of civil society participation very difficult and costly. It amplifies the reality that civil society voices continue to be disregarded on this very important agenda of women and peace and security.
As Dr Abigail Ruane of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) notes “powerful leadership by women peace and women’s human rights activists, women continue to be excluded, marginalised, their rights ignored and their voices sidelined”.
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