Oceania football dumps treasurer

Missing audit notes, silence from Auckland

BEHIND the world headlines about millions in FIFA bribes, corruption and multibillion contracts, the Pacific Islands region has yet to have its own story.

Parts of the story came out as far back as 2010 when an undercover reporter from a UK paper exposed former OFC head Reynald Tamarii as appearing to accept a bribe. He was banned in January, five years later.

OFC finances are as opaque as the FIFA parent body – and getting worse. A leading concern focus on audit notes missing from its official filings with the Societies office in New Zealand, where OFC is registered and administered.

None of the 13 notes from the latest available audit report are included with the file uploaded to the Societies registrar. This includes a missing note on NZ$1.3 million (US$843,037) in what is described as “Recovered Income” and a NZ$1m (US$648,490) investment in an operating company, OFC Commercial Ltd.

There is also a huge increase in unsecured term liabilities with FIFA, rising from $636,000 in 2012 to $7,581,076 by the end of 2013. Accounts for 2014 have yet to be uploaded to the Societies website.

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