University makes its mark at regional showcase

The University of the South Pacific is clearly making its mark in the development of the region across all aspects ranging from Education, Renewable Energy, Research, Pacific Cultures, Agriculture, Learning and Teaching and in Information Communication Technology. The USP’s most recent significant input was its participation at the United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), held from 1-4 September 2014 in Apia, Samoa.

A delegation from USP led by its ViceChancellor and President Professor Rajesh Chandra, took part in a number of significant Side and Parallel Events at the SIDS conference. In line with the Conference theme, “The sustainable development of Small Island Developing States through genuine and durable partnerships”, USP hosted two Side Events, on ‘ICT for Sustainable Development’ and ‘Culture and Development – Heritage and Creativity in SIDS.’ USP hosted a Parallel Event as well on ‘Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development and Intensification in Small Islands.’

The University participated in the Side Events organised by other agencies, which included the Ocean Policy Research Foundation (OPRF); Sustainable Energy for All: and Re-energising the Pacific and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS). USP took part in the cultural performance at “Our Sea of Islands, Our Livelihoods, Our Oceania – The Pacific Ocean Alliance Event and in the Main Cultural Performances during the SIDS 2014 Opening Ceremony.

In addition, USP’s delegation was part of a function hosted by the National University of Samoa (NUS) for the Pacific Europe Network for Science, Technology and Innovation PACE-NET Plus consortium. The USP is a key partner in the PACENET Plus consortium, directly responsible for liaising with stakeholders from the Pacific Island countries.

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