200 bodies yet to be recovered PNG landslide

Photo: Kindupan Kambii/Facebook

About 200 persons are still to be recovered with 11 bodies retrieved and buried from the 24 May Landslide in Enga’s Mulitaka, according to Enga administrator Sandis Tsaka. 

Tsaka, who is also the disaster committee coordinator, said the committee was working to restore and rebuild lives of those displaced. 

Tsaka said that data collection was a challenge due to the remoteness of the area. 

He said survivors identified through social mapping had been interviewed on who was at the impacted area during the disaster. 

“A lot of people who were non-residents also stayed there as it was next to the highway so identifying the number of persons buried is difficult,” he said. 

Tsaka also said that about 150 metres of the main highway into Porgera had been cut off, affecting access to food supplies and fuel for four local level governments and business houses. 

“In the last 10 days, with the assistance from the Government and partners, food supplies were airlifted to local business houses to keep their shelves open but will run out. Our immediate priority is to open the road into Porgera mine and hope to get fuel in or else the mine will close in the next 24 hours,” he said.