Palau Senate bill eyes changes in labour law

President Surangel Whipps Jr. (centre) delivers a speech at the Palau National Capitol Building, September 2022 (Photo: Office of the President, Palau)

The Palau Senate is eyeing amendments in the existing labour law to allow for a more “progressive labor workforce.”

Senate Bill No. 11-82, which was on first reading and referred to a Senate Committee for further review.

“Labour law remains vastly dynamic especially since the pandemic revealed essential situations within the system,” the bill stated.

It noted that because the functions of the labor office was realigned to the new Ministry of Human Resources, Tourism, Culture and Development (MHRTCD) which makes a pressing need to introduce changes into the labor law.

The bill calls for several changes in fees on permitting and other related costs of hiring non resident workers.

“There is a new fond emphasis on productivity in the Republic as it recovers in the aftermath of global decline in revenue. The need for changes in the law are a reflection of the changing landscape in developments through the Republic,” the bill stated.

One fee change is that change of status application will now be charged US$1,000 from the current US$300 fee.

Non resident worker permit fees new and extension will have a fee of US$300 for one year and US$600 for two years. 

The bill also has a separate annual fee for non resident workers. It will cost US$150 for a new application and US$150 for renewal.  It also stressed that while preserving employment for Palauan employees is foremost, a “slight shift” in the processes that govern foreign workers and types of employment engagement and other issues.