New PNG media policy will lead to government control of media

The new media development policy being proposed by the Papua New Guinea Communications Minister, Timothy Masiu, could lead to more government control over the country’s relatively free media. The new policy

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PNG: Concerns raised at swift review period for media policy

Concerns for media independence and press freedom in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have been raised following the government’s announcement of a swift 12-day period for public review of the country’s draft National

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PNG Chamber concerned about foreign exchange saga

Papua New Guinea’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry is concerned about the ongoing foreign currency constraint saga. Chamber president Ian Tarutia said a consistent supply of fuel and associated products were

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Fiji joins Cyclone Gabrielle recovery efforts

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said New Zealand has accepted international help from multiple countries to support its cyclone recovery efforts, announcing that Fiji will be lending a hand in the coming days.

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New Zealand Deputy PM to join Pacific leaders’ special retreat

New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister and Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs Carmel Sepuloni will travel to Fiji for the Pacific Islands Forum Special Leaders’ retreat this week. It will be her first opportunity in

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Australian government publicise problems with Pacific patrol boats

The Australian government decided to publicly release information about problems with Pacific patrol boats despite a warning from defence officials that this could harm important regional relationships. In previously

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Foremost and Coca-Cola sign solar rooftop PPA with Solenergy Micronesia

117-kW solar photovoltaic system to replace around 15% of current Foremost monthly power consumption with renewable energy (BARRIGADA HEIGHTS, Guam, Feb. 16, 2023)—Foremost Foods, Inc. (Foremost) and Coca-Cola

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