Pacific Islands increasingly used as crime transit point, experts say 

The Pacific islands are increasingly being used as a transit point for transnational crime, including drug trafficking and money laundering, experts say. Criminal organisations from Asia and the Americas are exploiting

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Pacific nations double down on their green demands

As is customary in the run up to any gathering of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), predicable fault lines are emerging.  Oil producing nations tend to

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MSC extends Pacific tuna certification

Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) and Tokelau have welcomed the decision of the Marine Stewardship Council’s Independent Adjudicator to extend the scope of the MSC certification of the PNA tuna fishery to

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Tonga’s first large-scale battery systems to achieve climate targets 

The first utility-scale battery energy storage system (BESS) project in Tonga was officially opened at an event attended by Prime Minister Siaosi ‘Ofakivahafolau Sovaleni. Prime Minister Sovaleni, known also by

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Australia boosts defence, Pacific diplomacy spending in budget

Australia on Tuesday pledged increased defence spending and efforts to firm up diplomatic ties with neighbouring Southeast Asian and Pacific nations as it seeks to counter China’s growing economic and strategic

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