Pacific tourism workers resilient in adversity

Pacific researchers assessing the wellbeing of tourism-reliant communities in Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and the Cook Islands amid the COVID-19 pandemic have found these communities are mainly resilient in the face of

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PNG ready for polling, coalition govt in the making

Papua New Guinea Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai says all election materials for the 2022 General Election have been shipped to the provinces to prepare for polling. He said his office had started sending materials

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Pohnpei officials arrested for breaching quarantine rules

Five Pohnpei officials, including the acting governor, were arrested last week after being criminally charged for allegedly bungling the quarantine protocols that resulted in an extended stay of repatriated passengers

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International travel to resume in Kiribati this August

All international travel to and from Kiribati will return to normal on August 1st this year, reports Radio Kiribati. Incoming passengers are required to have a valid COVID-19 test 24hrs before departure. The number of

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Stunning electoral victory for independence party in French Polynesia

In an unprecedented electoral victory, the independence party Tavini Huira’atira has won all three seats allocated to French Polynesia in the French National Assembly. Voters across French Polynesia turned out on

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U.S., Marshalls aim for Compact wrap-up by year end

United States and Marshall Islands leaders say they hope to complete negotiations to renew provisions of an economic and security treaty by the end of this year. They completed the first round of talks last week.

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Pacific Mini Games Update

A Successful Opening Ceremony The official opening ceremony of the Pacific Mini Games 2022 was a huge success on Friday night with over 3000 spectators attending the opening ceremony at the Oleai Sports Complex in the

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