Comment: Making Sense of Multi-layered Security Frameworks

Security is a priority in the region. It has been so since 1971, when the earlier version of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) – the South Pacific Forum (SPF) first met in Wellington on 5-7 August that year. At that

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American Samoa Local inflation reached double digits in the first quarter of 2022. The rate was 11.6%, an increase from 9.7% at the end of 2021, says American Samoa’s Statistics and Analysis Division. Price rises were

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Pacific youth raise concerns over debt levels

“25 years from now – my children, your grandchildren are at a risk of potential tax and financial burdens that will be crippling if nothing is done today to reduce our region’s growing debt.” This was the

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Vee’s Organic Farms: Down to earth, still atop the world

The story could have ended with a flight attendant being told she would never walk or talk again, simply being grounded, but Vitila Vuniwaqa hopes to inspire others with chapters in which she

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