Staying afloat: ensuring public debt sustainability in the Pacific islands

[UNESCAP] The risk of public debt distress is considerably high in almost all Pacific small island developing States (PSIDS). The debt levels in most PSIDS were on a rising trajectory since early 2010s and are projected

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PNG K3billion UBS loan report released

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says those implicated in the controversial K3 billion UBS loan will be criminally

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PNG’s Wafi-Golpu project talks stall

PNG's Wafi-Golpu project has been stalled over the remaining major issue of the mine waste disposal

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Category 2 cyclone approaching New Caledonia

Fiji’s Meteorological Service says tropical cyclone Fili is expected to gradually weaken in strength today. In its 7.23pm bulletin last night, the Service said the cyclone was moving southeast at about 14 knots

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Samoa prisoners COVID-positive

Nine prisoners and 22 guards in Samoa tested positive for COVID-19 and have been placed in isolation to avoid its

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