Small states push for climate change resolution at fisheries meet

By NETANI RIKA in Port Moresby THE world has gathered in Madrid, Spain to discuss the existential threat which climate change presents to the environment through rising temperatures and melting ice. Halfway across the

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Climate change worry for Tuvalu tuna

By NETANI RIKA in Port Moresby CLIMATE change threatens Tuvalu’s national survival through direct impact on tuna stocks. The small atoll state told members of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission that

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White tip shark in danger

By NETANI RIKA in Port Moresby THE Pacific must act now to stop Oceanic White Tip Shark from extinction. With White Tip stocks standing at five per cent of the original stock, the Worldwide Fund for Nature has called

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Marape fires warning shot

By Netani Rika, Port Moresby PAPUA New Guinea has warned that illegal fishing vessels in its national waters will be sunk. Opening the 16th Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, Prime

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Climate change focus for fishing nations

By Netani Rika, Port Moresby INNOVATIVE ideas on fuel consumption and fleet management will take centre stage as Pacific fishing nations attempt to lead the world in climate change management. Over the next seven days

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